Watch this advanced workshop and the LeadWell client panel to hear all your questions answered!
Have questions about the LeadWell program? My actual LeadWell clients and I answer the most common questions we get from soon-to-be clients in the video here, and they share about their experiences in the program.
We’d love to hear from you. Use the message/chat function in the lower right hand corner of this page!
And finally banish the issues that translate to lost time and money:
Employee disengagement • Over-dependence on you • Inability to solve problems
Lack of initiative • Low morale and productivity • High turnover
Today’s hybrid workforce calls for a different way of leading.
Are you ready? It’s time to level up!
Imagine what it will feel like to lead with more ease, authenticity, newfound vision and discipline.
Developing your personal leadership is a journey, not a destination. Whether you want to shave hours off of your work week, find more balance or ultimately help others grow, examining how you are showing up everyday is where it starts.
Get in on the top trend and learn how to use coaching in your leadership to maximize your own potential and your team’s. You will depart with a new way of thinking about the potential of your team and these habits will stick! Why? Because you get to practice!
While you’re refining your leadership skills and building healthy new habits, we’ll sit down with you, roll up our sleeves and co-create your custom strategy to integrate those new habits, daily.
You select three leadership competencies that will give you the biggest bang-for-your buck in your organization, help you develop your team and ultimately make leading easier.
Your life BEFORE LeadWell
Your life AFTER LeadWell
Clients meet every Wednesday at 10:30am CT. During this virtual group session, you get coached, watch other leaders get coaching, practice using leadership skills in various scenarios. Discuss & implement strategies to lead your team to sustainable results that increase revenues.
This has been and continues to be the all-time favorite piece of the program.
Clients have the opportunity to get pre-recorded input from a LeadWell coach by submitting specific written work they’ve created to support their team- building efforts during their 10 months as a LeadWell client.
Get input on things like:
When you apply to work with Jen, we will send you a sneak peek of the LeadWell curriculum.
Courses include downloads, checklists, numerous tools, templates and videos all curated and tested by Jen and her clients over the past fourteen years. LeadWell clients have access to the all the courses throughout the ten month program.
Hit the ground running with a 1:1 onboarding call with one of our coaches to help get started on the right track. Also wrap up your LeadWell course with a 1:1 call at the end of your course.
Reaching important milestones in your development will help assure you are applying the leader-as-coach skills. They ensure you will see the difference in the results you get from yourself and your team.
Review results and build next step action plans during these 1:1 milestone calls with one of our LeadWell coaches.
Leadership development is about more than taking a class or two. Sharing insights with your fellow LeadWellers will open your eyes.
Realizing that you are not the only leader who struggles with those tough conversations is freeing.
Ask all the questions, receive feedback, share observations and so much more.
This is THE space where leaders have the freedom to practice vulnerability and up level their personal leadership.
Join us in this unique space for leaders.
Measure the impact of your time at LeadWell through a professional tracking system measuring both financial impact and leadership skill assessments.
Now is your chance to join LeadWell but only until the offer expires:
*If you choose Pay in Full, you will make an initial $500 deposit and then pay the remainder of your balance through an electronic transfer within 48 hours.
This is a question many people wonder.
Your ability to lead yourself well is going to impact your ability to lead others well. If you recognize that and if you are willing to learn and grow, then you have enough experience.
Each bi-weekly Lab (group call) will be recorded and will be shared.
You’ll have the opportunity to connect and get input on your team development weekly through submitting questions.
The important thing is that you carve out time to do your development work and stay connected through the community.
LeadWell meets in a virtual space. We use Zoom video conferencing to gather.
Our primary audiences are business owners, CEOs, or senior leaders who are responsible for the team and their development. If that is you, then this is an opportunity you should consider.
Leadership development in the form of leader-as-coach training is a top trend in coaching. It gives leaders a great foundation for communication that is highly engaging and empowering, which are two key factors in growing organizations.
Our participants are typically focused on increasing their ability to work ON the business instead of always IN the business, while growing revenues.