How To Close The Year and Snag Those End-Of-Year Goals

It’s time for the Bertsch Family Summit. 

That’s an intentional day my husband and I take to reflect and nail down our goals for the new year. Get ready, new year, here we come!

Some of you have asked how we do this and what tools we use. It’s simple.

  • We schedule a day together in December or January.
  • We shut off our phones.
  • We don’t check email.
  • We fill out The Moxy Guide: Annual Wrap & Reboot. (FREE DOWNLOAD BELOW!)
  • We share our discoveries.
  • Then we do something fun together, like downhill skiing.

It feels good to do the three things we need to do to get to our goals: 

  1. Think
  2. Resolve
  3. Act

It’s a proven formula and one that’s worked for my family and my clients for years! 

Are you ready? Start a Summit of your own. 

Try it with your spouse, a friend, or with a coach. 

Think about the outcomes you would like to celebrate when you are ringing in the new year.  Far too often we let the year close with thoughts like “I wish I had done that,”  or “I would love to do this; I’m just too busy.” 

Not this year. The regrets stop now!

Set your intentions for the year and you will have clarity about when to say yes and when to say no. 

Schedule progress checks quarterly. It’s time to live intentionally!

And if you are having trouble doing that or setting your goals for the new year, I would love to help. Sign up for a strategy session and see what working together on your New Year goals can do for your leadership and your life!

This is a great time to reflect on your year, note the lessons you’ve learned and the newfound wisdom you’ve gained. Let’s plan a year filled with moxy, a balanced, focused, productive and fulfilled year that we make happen “for” us not “to” us. 

Enjoy this complimentary guide and a weeks worth of email tips with videos!


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